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Einstein@Home Statistics In Wordpress Sidebar

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If, like me, you participate in some sort of grid computing project, it's interesting to see your progress. I take part in Einstein@Home, and I wanted to display my stats in my sidebar (on my other blog). I'll give you two ways to accomplish this. First way is the quick way, which involves including the jQuery Javascript library, and a second which involves writing your own Javascript. The second option results in a smaller file, but the jQuery file is already pretty small. It's up to you. I started with my own script, then moved to jQuery when I realized it could do what was needed in about one line, and I was already including/using jQuery.

For the record, I originally did this a long time ago when jQuery was new and hip. Now it's just a standard.

For both options, create a php file somewhere on your server. I used my blog root directory, so the url is

Call it whatever you want, I used einstein.php since I'm getting Einstein@Home stats. Anyway, paste this in:

Replace the 'auth-key-goes-here' with your actual auth key, which can be had from the Einstein@Home user account pages (somewhere in there). Also, I should add that I found the E@H XML stuff somewhere, but now I can't find the page anywhere, so this is what works. You can do more, but I don't know how :(

Anyway, this php script returns the unordered list and list items to sit in the sidebar. You could write this into a widget, which I should probably do, but it's low priority for me.

Now add something like this to the sidebar.php script of your theme:

You need the div tags for the script to be able to insert the returned HTML from the other php script.

That's the basic stuff, now off to the option specific parts.

Option 1

Add two script includes to your header.php file in your theme.

Adapt this to your needs of course. I did it this was to allow the code to move around. Now you can just copy and paste instead of changing the root url. Make sure you actually download jQuery and drop it into your "wp-includes/js" directory. Create the einstein.js file in the "wp-includes/js" directory as well. Make it look like this:

Replace 'einstein-sb' with whatever id you gave the div in the previous section, and replace the "/blog/einstein.php" with the path to your php script you pasted out.

This will then, when the document is ready, make a jQuery call. It will load the url (the php script), and put the contents (the returned html code) in the innerHTML of the div, so it appears to the user. If the php has a problem, it sticks in the error message. The nice thing about this is it works asynchronously. Originally I had the php directly in the sidebar.php file. Bad idea. When the E@H servers are slow, your page loads like a dog. This works better.

Option 2

You can write your own JS file to do the job the jQuery does, but seriously folks. One line, c'mon! How easy is that.

This is what I had:

Basically it does the same thing, but it's smaller, since it doesn't have all the other stuff from jQuery which you might not use. But jQuery works on all browser, and I doubt my code above does.

You must include that code in the header file as well, in the same manner as the jQuery file in Option 1 (again I had just included wp-includes/js/einstein.js, and put all that code in there).