Verbose Logging

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Articles tagged with "scm"

Restore Deleted Files In Git

· Posted in Software
Ever been working on a project for a while, then go work on something else, then come back after a few weeks? Sure you have. Ever come back and somebody deleted your nice nginx config file you had in there for your local dev server? Ever wonder where the hell it went? Well wonder no more! I had this happen a couple days ago. Somebody deleted my nginx.conf file. It was just gone. Find it! First things first, I had to find the file. A little bit o…

Copy Merge With Git

· Posted in Programming
A copy merge is basically where you take all of their changes. Say you're in branch A and want to merge in branch B. Their might be conflicts, but you don't care, as you want whatever is in branch B. Almost as if you are copying from B to A. Since you are in branch A, it is referred to as ours. Branch B is referred to as theirs. In git land, you can do this, assuming you are in branch A: git merge -s recursive --strategy-option theirs B This wil…

Rewrite Git History For Make Benefit Of Glorious Internet Tubes Of The World

· Posted in Software
Sometimes you do silly things. Like check big binary files into source control. Ones that shouldn't be in source control. This causes problems. Okay, well not really problems, but it has some effects. Cloning the repository takes longer, of course, since there are big files, and other operations can take longer too. But fret not! If you need to purge files from Git, you can. Now, you can't just remove the file, since it's still technically in th…