Verbose Logging

software development with some really amazing hair

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Archives for 1/2011

The What, Why, and How Of Kindlebility

· Posted in Programming
Kindlebility is now Tinderizer TL;DR Kindlebility sends articles on the web to your Kindle. It needs your Kindle email address ( addresses are fine). I don’t store your Kindle address or use it for anything else. Use Kindlebility to make a bookmarklet. Add to your Kindle Approved Email List. Click the bookmarklet on a page to send the article to your Kindle. Moving on I’ve been meaning to write some more…

Easy Sinatra Metal For Rails 3.x

· Posted in Programming
I was doing some optimizing the other day on a Rails 2.3.x application with a metal controller. I didn't feel like writing a straight rack application, so I used sinatra. A pretty good explanation of how this works can be seen in Adam Wiggins' slides: Rails Metal, Rack, and Sinatra from Adam Wiggins In Rails 3, they still have metal controllers, in that the ActionController::Metal class is essentially a really thin controller, and you can use it…

Productivity ∩ Learning = ∅

· Posted in Editorial
Do you have a TODO list Sure you do. I bet you have all sorts of cool projects on it, like a better todo list application, a web spider for some RSS feeds, a search engine experimentation, a git backend built on riak, and a slew of other ideas you haven't got around to. I bet you also have some new programming languages you want to learn. Maybe expand your scripting language knowledge with some Python, break into functional programming with Cloj…